Could Big Data and Artificial Intelligence support efforts to minimize corruption risks in public administrations?
This question moved the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) to support an Anti-corruption Innovation Challenge.The event was organized to seek innovative approaches in the fight against corruption. The International Monetary Fund, in partnership with the MIT–IBM AI Lab were the organizers. The challenge resulted in more than 120 submissions from around the globe, showing promising ways in which big data and artificial intelligence can support SECO’s efforts to minimize corruption risks in public administrations. Out of eight finalists, four winners were selected for seed funding. SECO is looking forward to working with them to realize the potential of their proposals. 2020 Finalist These were shortlisted to the top 8 most promising proposals by the evaluation committee. The top 8 projects include participants from IFIs, CSOs, government representatives and Fund staff. TOPIC: ENHANCING GOVERNANCE IN PUBLIC FINANCE: THE ROLE OF DATA AND TECHNOLOGY -Harvesting open data fo...